Belonging Intervention Testimonials

“If life is a menagerie of stories where there's a single human weaving, what Guy Mendilow did, along with the amazing Regie Gibson, was create the weaving that fit us perfectly. We were here together with our friends from the Black Pentecostal Church, the Strait Gait Church, and Larchmont Reform Jewish Temple. We've been sharing stories for the past many years. But this moment, which brought our stories to life, was absolutely transformational. I couldn't imagine a more beautiful, poignant, precious, high impact way to share… they brought this to life in a way that is a gift and has touched every heart, every spirit.”

— Rabbi Jeffrey Sirkman, Larchmont Temple, Larchmont, NY

“In the long term, both residency and performance gave legitimacy and merit to our overall education goal.  Because it was such a successful process with such an overwhelmingly positive outcome, it lends credibility to our continued efforts to expand our educational outreach.  And, it should encourage continued giving to the theater.

The residency certainly made strong impact not only on the students but also the faculty and staff.  The reaction was so solidly affirming — even students who as a general rule don’t speak up or engage were doing just that by the end of the residency sessions.

The performance made a lasting impact on our patrons.  It was thought provoking and not soon forgotten. This was a highly skilled style of musical storytelling, a unique departure from the ordinary, and it surpassed attendance expectation.

Guy Mendilow was not only a pleasure to work with, his process and product exceeded expectations.  The ensemble was worldly, interesting and humble.  Such a treat for us to have the opportunity to present.”
— Erin Butler, Executive Director, Wyo Theater, Sheridan, WY

"...a vital and vibrant way to illustrate the possibilities of interfaith and intercultural cooperation. They are among the finest musicians I have ever heard, and I would recommend them strongly to any university or college campus that cares about diversity, multiculturalism and interfaith cooperation." — Greg Mcgonigle,  Tufts University, Medford, MA

“… the experience was so much more than we could have hoped. His scholarship runs deep and his ability to connect with listeners is remarkable - both musically and through spoken word. Additionally, he was ready to produce an entire Shabbat service based around both original music and re-set melodies to pieces we already use. His capacity to run the whole thing never got in the way of kavod ha-rav and I hope to have him back again soon.”

– Rabbi Jay TelRav, Temple Sinai, Stamford, CT