Client Testimonials

“As the Founder and CEO of Ágora Cultural Architects, a Latinx cultural production and consulting firm in Boston, I have had the privilege of collaborating with Guy since 2020. One aspect of our collaboration that stands out is Guy's exceptional proposal writing skills. I have found him to be incredibly meticulous, detail-oriented, and proficient in this area. Whether given a clear project outline or just a general idea, Guy possesses a remarkable ability to comprehend, organize, and concisely present complex concepts. He consistently demonstrates a deep understanding of the nuances involved in crafting compelling grant proposals. As a result, he has successfully written multiple grants for Ágora, including the recent Mellon Foundation grant for the Bori-Corridor project, securing $600,000 in funding.
What impresses me most about Guy is his unwavering dedication to continually improve his proposal writing and project design abilities.He approaches his craft with an insatiable thirst for knowledge, constantly seeking ways to enhance his skills.In addition to his successful career as a professional musician, Guy is committed to refining his expertise in all facets of grant writing and project development.”
— Elsa Mosquera, Founder and CEO, Ágora Cultural Architects, Boston MA
“We worked with Guy and ASC to design and execute a planning meeting visioning what a strong and connected Jewish artists network could look like in our community. The process was fantastic – Guy has a way of getting to the root of things through careful questioning and active listening, and enables you to truly understand what you’re looking for. After we established our goals, he had innovative ideas around activities to draw the participants into productive discussions. And the day of the meeting, he facilitated the meeting deftly, while leaving space for additional leadership and collaboration when needed. I would highly recommend ASC as a consultative partner to help approach projects and needs in a new way.”
— Sophie Krentzman, Director of Arts and Culture, Strategy & Impact, Combined Jewish Philanthropies, Boston, MA
“Working with Guy Mendilow and Arts for Social Cohesion has been revelatory, inspiring, and tremendously helpful. As a new organization tasked with raising $60 million within the first year of our formation to build a state of the art performing arts center, we must be incredibly clear on our story, mission, and purpose right away. Working with Guy Mendilow's ASC has taken us light years forward in achieving that clarity. Our work has been both psychologically and spiritually fulfilling while also taking care to create practical and measurable progress towards our goals. Guy's willingness to borrow from his vast archives of information and intuitive know-how has been invaluable, as has his remarkable ability to pose questions in such a way that it draws out the best ideas. Guy's listening has ignited our thinking and creative ideation. In addition to working with us to clarify and fine tune our story, mission, and vision, ASC has written a tremendous script for a descriptive video that we are currently creating, and we are commencing our fundraising strategy next week. I am confident that working with Guy Mendilow and ASC will continue to accelerate our progress in all these crucial areas in the coming months, while continuing to provide vital fuel through our meetings for an organization that is at the starting process of gaining momentum.”
— Julia Levitan, Founder and CEO. Eden Festival, Eden UT
“Writing grants and proposals is more than just an explanation of the work you plan to create. Its main purpose is to build a connection between the readers and the artist and is the front line of opportunity for an artist to bring those readers and decision makers into their mind and character. When I first set out to begin writing commission proposals I did not understand this. But, Guy helped me connect everything I know about the creative and composition process to the process of grant and proposal writing. It's an artform and, when written with care and openness, can actually be an extension of an artist's work. Guy is patient, listens extremely well and is so passionate about helping you to unlock your ability to talk about your work. I learned a tremendous amount from our discussions and his advice. Would highly recommend his assistance!”
— Kyle Harris, Drummer, Blue Man Group World Tour / Founder, Boston Drum Lessons, Boston, MA
“I would highly recommend Guy Mendilow to any artist or arts organization that is trying to understand, at a fundamental level, what their mission and core values are and how to accomplish those goals. Guy has an ability to distill the true story and motivation of a person and to help them understand why they make art. By doing this, he helps people realize what they are giving back to the world and why they do this.
Guy left me with the tools to reimagine myself and to fully embody what I dreamed of accomplishing. Since these meetings, I have followed the roadmaps we created together and have gone farther in my career than I would ever have projected for myself.
Every artist needs a mentor like Guy to help them through the struggles of the arts world and to give them a voice to express themselves.”
— McKinley James, Cellist & Educator, Montreal, Canada
“I am so grateful to ASC. Their thorough, professional and personal approach to grant preparations made impeccable results. They help me transform an imaginary and complex artistic fantasy into a practical and clearly communicated vision without reducing any bit of inspiration. At the end of the process, I had the best application I have ever produced to date.”
— Amir Shpilman, Composer & Conductor, New York, NY