Leadership Clinic Testimonials

“I’m actually already speaking with Guy about having him join one of my finance courses next year as a guest, because I want to bring his approach into the course, which is a very different way to look at finance.
You wouldn’t ordinarily think of a theatrical professional being someone you'd bring into a finance class, but I think it would be spot on.
…Guy is an extraordinary person on a personal level. His sensitivity, their ability to listen and ask incisive questions was tremendous on a teaching perspective. His respect and thoughtfulness with our students was just extraordinary.”
— Kevin Sweeney, Lecturer in Entrepreneurship, Babson College, Wellesley, MA
“In the long term, both residency and performance gave legitimacy and merit to our overall education goal. Because it was such a successful process with such an overwhelmingly positive outcome, it lends credibility to our continued efforts to expand our educational outreach. And, it should encourage continued giving to the theater.
The residency certainly made strong impact not only on the students but also the faculty and staff. The reaction was so solidly affirming — even students who as a general rule don’t speak up or engage were doing just that by the end of the residency sessions.
…Thought provoking and not soon forgotten…a unique departure from the ordinary, and it surpassed attendance expectation.
Guy Mendilow was not only a pleasure to work with, his process and product exceeded expectations. The ensemble was worldly, interesting and humble. Such a treat for us to have the opportunity to present.”
— Erin Butler, Executive Director, Wyo Theater, Sheridan, WY
“From the start and especially through-out the planning stages, I found Guy to be engaging and thoughtful in our discussions. He took a great deal of time to ask questions that would help determine the best way to assist us in accomplishing our programming and outreach goals. Guy showed a great deal of understanding for the challenges Presenters face... His consistent and accurate follow up did not lessen once the deal was inked. Guy made sure to keep the communication flowing up to, during and following the residency.”
— Blake Smith, Clayton Center for the Arts, Maryville, TN
“Guy, Regie, and the participating artists truly understand that art is an essential tool in overcoming adversity.”
— Matt Cahoon, Director of Cultural Programming, Stockbridge Theatre at Pinkerton Academy, Derry NH
“Guy is a true partner…He led a masterful session, a custom designed and using experience, and improvisation to get my students to think about entrepreneurship and risk taking in novel ways that they didn't expect. [The students] are actually launching businesses and exploring how these questions are helpful as they launch their careers and businesses in real life.”
— Jack McCarthy, Associate Professor of Practice, Management Division, Babson College, Wellesley, MA
“In addition to his consummate musicianship, Guy Mendilow brought a high level of organization, responsiveness, and generosity to his residency that were an absolute joy to work with.” — Emily Laugesen, Krannert Center for the Performing Arts, Urbana, IL